Akkadia Marketplace Users Can Now Transact Using their $ADA as a Result of the COTI & NFT-DAO Partnership

1 min read

NFTDAO Has Integrated ADA Pay to the Akkadia Marketplace

COTI is happy to announce that they have formed a partnership with NFT-DAO that has integrated ADA Pay to the Akkadia marketplace to allow their users to pay with their ADA. NFT-DAO is one of the earliest projects funded by Project Catalyst, which is why we see this collaboration as a natural fit.

The NFT-DAO is focused on creating an easy to deploy framework that would allow anyone the ability to launch an NFT marketplace. They are developing self-reinforcing composable parts that extend functionality focused on all sorts of NFTs with ADA Pay as the preferred payment solution. COTI particularly appreciates NFT-DAO’s give-first community mission to hire college interns to train the blockchain workforce of the future.

Shahaf Bar-Geffen, CEO of COTI said: “COTI is pleased to be partnering with NFT-DAO and supports their vision of an open-source framework for Cardano marketplaces. We’re thrilled ADA Pay is their recommended payment integration for Akkadia.io and future marketplaces building on their technology.”

Rich Kopcho, an NFT-DAO Founder said: “We chose COTI’s ADA Pay to process NFT DAO’s Akkadia marketplace payments for its enterprise-grade security while saving us time and money. The engineering team has been awesome to work with.”

Additionally, NFT-DAO is developing an open-source decentralized government framework and creating communications solutions for DAOs on Cardano. We know we’ll create great things together and mutually benefit both of our communities.

As ADA Pay is a part of the COTI ecosystem, the fees generated from ADA pay will be converted to $COTI and distributed into the Treasury as user rewards.


The NFT-DAO is a cooperative community brought together in Catalyst Fund-3 with the simple vision of collaborating to build an NFT Framework that will allow entrepreneurs the ability to deploy NFT marketplaces for any business use case. They hire college interns with proceeds from NFT sales to provide them practical experience while developing the future blockchain workforce. They are moving towards a decentralized governance structure by 2Q22 and welcome like-minded individuals, you can join them here:

Stay COTI!

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